Monday, February 28, 2005


Student Blogs about Bobble Blessing

Here's a weblog post from a UT student (University of Toledo..?) - Seems he's been blessing himself with good luck by touching the heads of two Supreme Court Justice nodders on the library desk. :)

And he took a picture of the bobbleheads in question - looks like he used a cell phone camera to take it - which you can see on his page at the link below.

"On the counter of the Librarian's desk at our Law Library, there are two bobble-head dolls: Justice William Rehnquist and Justice Sandra Day O'Conner. During finals of last semester, I decided that I should rub their heads for good luck. So I began to bop their heads everytime I walked by...

...So, now, everytime I am walking North and pass the dolls (which are on my right side), I reach out my right hand and bop Sandra ever-so-gently on the head. As I walk away, I can see her nodding in approval at me, and I feel like everything will be ok."

Full blog entry: El Scorcho: "Sandra D and Me" or "Heads Up!"


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