Friday, May 05, 2006


U.S. Airforce Crew Talks about Bobbleheads!

Here are some of the latest news items about Bobbleheads!

The first is a brief mention made by a U.S. airforce cockpit crew of a C17 as it flew to Iraq...

“Hello boys, here we go,” Newhouse said as we took off Friday in the C-17 from McChord.

The view from the cockpit was gorgeous as we launched into blue skies. The islands of Puget Sound sparkled and the rush hour traffic crawled far below.

The talk of the cockpit crew as we headed toward the Middle East was about how we were missing Ichiro bobble-head night at Safeco Field.

Boxed nasties, blue sky on way to Iraq is where the entire "" article can be read...

And the game the crew were *possibly* talking about, which mentioned the Ichiro Bobblehead and same stadium, is at:

Sodo Silence
Seattle Weekly - Apr 23, 2006... A Friday-night bobble-head giveaway padded attendance but was spoiled when suddenly unloved bobble-boy Ichiro repeatedly left runners in scoring position. ...

And lastly, here's yet another article that mentioned the "Runaway Bride" bobblehead! :)

A year later, Runaway Bride is still talk of town
WTVM, GA - ... And perhaps most indicative of her celebrity status, her county's minor league hockey team handed out one-thousand Runaway Bride bobblehead dolls at a game in ...


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