Monday, March 28, 2005


Bobblehead Dolls Still a Huge Draw for Fans

This news item not only indicates Bobblehead Giveaways are still a big draw for fans, but reports an interesting way they used a bobblehead in a video interview (broadcast on the video board in the stadium?)...
"...With just 1,500 bobbleheads of Randy Cunneyworth being given away on Friday night, the War Memorial atrium was packed by 6 p.m. with fans hoping to be early enough for the free collectible.

Cunneyworth himself was trying to figure out how to fill family requests. 'My mom called � she wants a case,' he kidded.

'A month ago when I heard about it I thought it was a joke. It's got that long-hair look flowing out of the helmet. It's kind of comical to see that likeness.'

The bobblehead was created from a 1981 photo of Cunneyworth in a No. 11 Amerk sweater.

Before the game, Don Stevens' usual taped interview with the coach on the video board was instead conducted with the bobblehead, with Cunneyworth on microphone off camera... "
You can find the article here.


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